
Technology is taught throughout KS3. The currciulum is designed to cover a wide range of practical and technologiacal skills. Student’s get the opportunity to develop their creative and problems solving skills to create and make products and outcomes. Over the key stage the complexity of the projects increase as the student skills progress. Many aspects are covered within the curriculum which develop out students character and knowledge of everyday life; health and safety, social and economic topics, health and different cultural aspects.

In computing, this includes programming, computer science, media and ethical issues. They learn how to use different programmes and systems.

In catering, students experience first hand how to make a range of sweet and savoury dishes whilst learning how to stay safe when preparing food.

In product design students find out about creating a range of products using the medium of textiles and resistent materials.

Students can opt to study iMedia and Hospitality and Catering in KS4