Secondary Admissions
The process detailed in this section is for secondary admissions. For further information on this process please contact Admissions at Ormiston Denes Academy: [email protected]
Number of spaces – the academy has an agreed admission number 200 per year group
Application Process
Applications for the 2026 academic year begins in September 2025. To apply you need to complete the local authority’s (LA) common application form (CAF) and submit this directly to the LA by the deadline, 31 October. This can be obtained via the Suffolk Schools Admission website.
Suffolk County Council – Apply for a school place
Before applying, we would encourage you to contact us with a view to arranging a visit to the academy. We normally have open afternoons and evenings in both the autumn and summer term and they provide an ideal opportunity to view our wonderful facilities and to meet our students and staff, however you are welcome to tour the school at any time. Please email [email protected] to confirm a booking.
If there are not enough places to satisfy all applications under any one criterion, priority will be given in accordance with proximity to the academy as per criterion (please refer to our Admissions policy for further information). Where two or more applicants live an equal distance from the academy and it is not possible to differentiate between them, priority will be determined by a random allocation process. This process will be independently verified by someone independent of the academy and OAT.
In Year Admissions
Applications for in-year admissions are accepted and will be processed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with these published admission arrangements. In-year admissions forms can be obtained here, move to a different school (in year applications)
The academy will participate in the LA’s Fair Access Protocol. Children included in the Fair Access Protocol will take precedence over those held on the waiting list. Once a child has been identified for admission to the academy under the Fair Access Protocol, the academy will notify the local authority within seven calendar days of the decision to accept or refuse the child’s admission.
It the academy refuses entry, the local authority may request a direction from the Secretary of State. The decision of the Secretary of State will be binding upon the academy.
Unsuccessful Applications
The academy will inform the child’s parent if a decision has been made to refuse their child a place at the academy for which they have applied, this will include the reason why admission was refused, information about the right to appeal, deadlines and contact details.
A child is allowed to be on the academy waiting list secondary phased transfer while lodging an appeal and the appeal will not affect their position on the list. The decision of the appeals panel is binding on the academy. The waiting list for admission into year 7 is maintained until 31st December each year.
Applications are made through Suffolk County Council
Our Parent and Carer Handbook is full of essential and useful information and can be viewed here