Camouflaged Learning Visit

Our Year 7 and 8 students participated in Camouflaged Learning STEM workshops, kindly commissioned and funded by the Royal Air Force Youth Engagement Team. During the course of each workshop, students looked at the ‘softer’ skills needed for a career in STEM (and indeed any career). Through a number of activities students demonstrated confidence, resilience, teamwork, problem solving and communication skills to overcome a series of challenges. It was lovely to see the change from quite worried students not knowing what they would have to do, to happy students having achieved good outcomes to the challenges given. And to see them realise that they could actually work with people they perhaps didn’t know!

At the end of each session, students were chosen to receive a medal for being resilient, great leadership, perseverance, being unafraid to ask for help – all really important skills and attributes. Rio, Louis, Saj, Kai, Alex, Shelby, Max and Jack were all the proud recipients of the medals. However, every student received a prize for their achievements. Well done to you all, we’re really proud of you!

Further information about the RAF challenges and resources can be found